Get your property back 10x as fast

Our mediators can persuade delinquent tenants and squatters to vacate same week, for less than the price of a traditional eviction. If we don't succeed, you don't pay.

How we help your bottom line

Avoid a costly and drawn out legal process

Avoid a costly and drawn out legal process

Getting an eviction through the LA court system can take 6+ months (and way longer if your occupant stalls with motions). We can get this down to 1-4 weeks by figuring out the right leverage points and then directly mediating with the occupant.

Get back your rental cash flow ASAP

Get back your rental cash flow ASAP

We could get you renting your property 6 months faster or more . With this example, if your monthly rent is $3,500, that's $21,000 in rental income you've otherwise lost out on.

Minimize potential property damage

Minimize potential property damage

Depending on the situation -- for instance, if you have a squatter -- we could source and legally move in a short-term tenant who could make sure the property doesn't get damaged in any way. Most occupants voluntarily depart in this scenario.

How do you do this legally?

Self-evictions are illegals. You can't just turn off the electricity, lock out your squatter, or physically intimidate or threaten. So taking matters into your own hands isn't a smart move here. But that doesn't mean you can't find the right levers to pull so that your delinquent tenant or squatter decides it's in their own self-interest to voluntarily moves out. And we find and pull those levers for you.

What our boots-on-the-ground mediation looks like

Each case is different, so it may involve persuading the occupant to move with employment, job training, or assistance securing government benefits. Other times, it's finding them cheap or free housing (by having them house-sit for other clients who want to prevent squatters from breaking into an unoccupied building, for example).

For the toughest cases, we can make staying in the property unappealing for the occupant while still staying fully-compliant of self-eviction laws.


We work on a pay-for-success model, so if we can't get your delinquent tenant or squatter to leave, you don't pay.
Standard Mediation Package

Standard Mediation Package


per all-inclusive eviction

We handle your eviction from start-to-finish, without having to go through the courts. We only stop when we can hand you the keys after a voluntary move-out.

On-site mediation and negotiations (no involvement from landlord or property manager needed)

Strategic planning (each case is always different)

Offer move-out incentives like employment and government benefits assistance

Assessment of current occupants (including background checks) to figure out win-win scenarios

24/7 reachable by phone and text

Ultimate Mediation Package

Ultimate Mediation Package

1.5x monthly rent

For very complex and protracted cases that may include an ongoing acrimonious eviction in the courts, or that involves multiple occupants, or a complicated history. Includes all services from the standard package as well as:

Legal and law enforcement support

Unlimited property visits

Placement of new tenant to gain lawful entry during mediation

Conflict de-escalation where there has been a previous history between landlord and tenant

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you guys do exactly?

We can protect your interests in ways that a lawyer can't. For instance, a lawyer can't just show up and speak to the occupant of your property. We serve as a neutral 3rd-party that will come in and figure out a win-win scenario for the delinquent tenant or squatter to move out voluntarily.

Don't I have to wait for the legal eviction process to play out?

No, if an occupant willingly leaves in a voluntary move-out, you can skip a long eviction process. What you can't do is a self-eviction, but we make sure we never cross that line. That's why you should hire a professional mediator instead of taking matters into your own hands.

So how does this differ from going to court?

Mediation doesn't involve lawyers, nor does it necessitate the property manager or landlord needing to make any physical appearances. Voluntary agreements can be made legally-binding however.

How long does this take?

We can resolve cases in your favor as quick as within a few days, although to give the occupant time to move out in a reasonable timeframe, we usually estimate around two weeks up to a month. If we can't mediate a solution within 30 days, you can request a full refund (or let us keep trying).

What regions do you guys cover?

Because tenant-landlord laws are hyperlocal, we only work in the greater LA metro (LA and Orange County). We make field visits for every case.

Schedule a 30-min free consult

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Contact us here or call 917.310.5162.

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